Aphrodite Papachristodoulou

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Aphrodite Papachristodoulou

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow




Affiliation: Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of Law, University of Galway; Academic Visitor at Institute for Ethics in AI, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford
Expert in: Borders and detention, Irregular migration
Geographic focus:  Europe




E:  aphrodite.papachristodoulou@philosophy.ox.ac.uk

Profile: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/irish-centre-human-rights/staff/postdoctoralresearchers/aphroditepapachristodoulou/




Dr Papachristodoulou’s principal research interests include international human rights, law of the sea, migration and border studies. Her research explores emerging human rights and ethical challenges posed by the use of technologies at external borders in the context of migration in the Mediterranean region. Further, she looks at how States acquire jurisdiction extraterritorially and utilizes a human rights-based approach to maritime migration. Dr Papachristodoulou is a licensed lawyer and engages in strategic human rights litigation with NGOs. She further provides advice and interacts with the media and looks forward in contributing to EU policy debates on migration and border management.


Happy to be contacted by policymakers, journalists, scholars or prospective students

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