Delphine Boagey

delphine boagey

Delphine Boagey

Researcher & Research Communication   


Affiliation: Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS), School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
Expert in: Gender and sexuality in migration, Inclusion and integration, Migration narratives, representations, and public opinion, Transnationalism
Geographic focus: Global 



Delphine’s work examines heritage, mobility and the sensory experience of music for diasporic identities. Focusing on qualitative and mixed-method approaches, her research investigates how notions of home and identity shape migrant narratives, both for the individual and the communities that they exist within. Her research has examined soundscapes of several diasporas in the UK, anthropology of the senses, identity building, homemaking practices, and music’s mediation of female and queer diasporic experiences. Delphine is interested in how public opinions on migrant integration impact art production (and vice versa) and the value of the arts for migrant expression and resistance.


Happy to be contacted by policymakers, journalists, scholars or prospective students

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