Tiger’s work explores how migrant communities that have experienced state sponsored violence, displacement, and dispossession engage in contemporary ‘peace’ processes that look to redress these.
With a geographical focus on Vancouver, BC, Canada, Tiger’s research uses qualitative and collaborative methods with civil society organisations to explore how different individuals and communities encounter, negotiate, contest and transform state and city-led attempts to apologise and provide justice. Tiger is interested in the lived experience of peacebuilding strategies; how and to what extent they address violence; wether they change people’s inclusion and sense of belonging to the city and nation-state; who they include and exclude; and how individuals and communities transform or build alternatives to the city and/or state-led processes.
Alongside this work, Tiger’s MSc thesis focused on the role of civil societies in climate migration and she continues to develop this project through knowledge sharing initiatives with local councils and a city-planning organisation based in Canada.