Tim Schwanen

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Tim Schwanen 

Professor of Transport Geography;
Director, Transport Studies Unit 



Affiliation: School of Geography and the Environment
Expert in: Cities and migration, Global development and climate change,
Transport and mobilities
Geographic focus: Global



Tim's research concentrates on the geographies of the everyday mobilities of people, goods and information. It is international in outlook, interdisciplinary in scope, informed by the thinking in various sub-disciplines within Geography, and organised around five more general concerns:

  • Low-carbon mobilities and cities - innovation and experimentation, politics and governance, justice;
  • Futures and temporality - sociotechnical transitions, path dependency, habit, rhythm, resilience, vulnerability;
  • Social and spatial inequality - age, gender, the role of mobility and infrastructure;
  • Well-being - conceptualisations, relationships with mobility and place, politics;
  • Philosophy of transport and mobility - history of thought and praxis, new concepts and modes of thinking.


Happy to be contacted by policymakers, journalists, scholars or prospective students

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