Beyond extraction

28th of November 2023

Migration Oxford held an event that aimed to foster learning and dialogue about the multiplicity of ways in which we can move beyond extractive approaches in migration and displacement research and encourage partnerships among migration scholars interested in participatory research.

Organised by Dr. Domiziana Turcatti with support from Abril Rios Rivera, this event’s speakers included Dr. Martha Montero-Sieburth (Amsterdam University College), Lucy Leon (COMPAS), a community researcher working with Lucy Leon (who has asked to not be named in public communication about the event), Bisimwa Mulemangabo (RLRH), Matthew Hickman (Head of Public and Community Engagement with Research, University of Oxford's Research Services), and Francesca Richards (University of Oxford's Social Sciences Division). The event was moderated by Jacqui Broadhead (Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity, COMPAS).

Key themes discussed by the speakers included the challenges and opportunities of conducting community ethnography and working with migrants to address “burning questions” in their communities, how power relationships between academic and community researchers can be equalised when employing peer research methodologies and the structural changes needed so that refugees can access opportunities to lead on research projects. Speakers also highlighted the institutional support available to migration researchers and students based at Oxford willing to engage or already engaging with these participatory methods


Speakers’ presentations were recorded, you can watch the video here


Roundtable discussion following the presentations. From left to right: Community researcher (name omitted as requested), Lucy Leon, Dr Martha Montero-Sieburth, Mattew Hickman, Francesca Richards, Jacqui Broadhead. Bisimwa Mulemangabo joined online.








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